Will NDIS Pay For The Internet?

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In the digital age, whether essential services like the internet are covered under schemes like the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is more relevant than ever. 

With the internet becoming a crucial tool for communication, education, and access to services, many participants are left wondering: Will NDIS pay for the Internet? 

This question touches on the critical need for digital inclusivity and access for all, especially for those with disabilities who rely on the Internet for everyday activities and connections.

The NDIS does not typically cover daily personal expenses such as internet charges. However, the scheme may fund internet services if they are essential for a participant’s disability-related needs, especially under categories like assistive technology and daily life assistance.

Will NDIS Pay For The Internet – Short Answer

When it comes to understanding “Will NDIS pay for the internet”, it’s crucial to navigate the specifics of what the NDIS covers. While the scheme primarily focuses on supports and services directly related to a person’s disability, the role of the internet in enabling independence and community participation cannot be overlooked. The internet might not be covered as a standard consumable or daily expense. However, if it’s integral to assistive technologies or necessary for significant social and community participation, there might be room for consideration. The key is demonstrating the direct impact of internet access on improving the quality of life and independence for NDIS participants. As we delve deeper into the era of digital connectivity, the interpretation of what constitutes an essential service under the NDIS is evolving, highlighting the importance of adapting to the needs of participants in our interconnected world.

How to Spend Your NDIS Funds?

The flexibility of NDIS funds allows participants to tailor support to their unique needs, fostering independence and community participation. Yet, the question remains: Can these funds be allocated towards internet services? To answer this, we delve into specific categories of NDIS support.


Consumables are everyday items that NDIS participants may require, including but not limited to personal care items, low-cost assistive technology, and continence aids. The categorisation of an expense as consumable hinges on its necessity for the individual’s disability-related needs. While the internet does not traditionally fall under consumables, its classification might depend on how essential it is for the participant’s daily functioning and whether it can be deemed a low-cost assistive technology.

Assistance with Social & Community Participation

The NDIS recognises the importance of social and community participation in enhancing quality of life. It covers expenses related to activities and support that facilitate engagement with community and social networks. Internet services can be a vital tool for social participation, especially for those with mobility challenges or remote living conditions, offering a digital gateway to the outside world.

Home Modifications

Home modifications under the NDIS are adjustments or changes made to the home of a participant to help them live more independently. This includes structural alterations or additions to accommodate the needs of the individual. While the internet itself is not a physical modification, the installation of necessary equipment for better connectivity (e.g., Wi-Fi extenders) could be argued as essential for individuals who rely on online services for their daily activities and health management.

Coordination of Supports

Effective coordination of support is crucial for maximising the benefits of NDIS plans. The internet plays a pivotal role in this aspect by enabling efficient communication between participants, caregivers, and service providers. Thus, internet expenses could be seen as facilitating the coordination of support by ensuring participants can access online resources and maintain contact with their support network.

Assistance with Daily Life

This category encompasses supports that assist participants in managing their daily lives. The inclusion of internet services here hinges on its role in daily activities. For individuals who use online platforms for learning, working, or managing health care, the internet is undeniably a component of their daily assistance needs.

Improved Living Arrangements

The NDIS aims to support participants in finding suitable living arrangements that cater to their needs. Internet connectivity can be a critical factor in this, especially when considering smart home technologies that assist people with disabilities in living more independently. Therefore, the cost of internet services could be justified under improved living arrangements if it enables the use of such technologies.


Transport support focuses on enabling participants to access essential services, work, and education. While internet services are not directly related to physical transport, they facilitate the planning and coordination of transport services, especially for those using ride-sharing apps or public transport apps to navigate their travel needs.

Assistive Technology

Assistive technology covers a wide range of devices and systems designed to address disability-specific needs. Internet services become crucial when considering technologies that rely on online connectivity to function, such as speech-generating devices, smart home devices, and telehealth services. In such cases, the internet is not just a luxury but a necessity that enables these technologies to improve the lives of NDIS participants.

Wrapping Up!!!

While the NDIS does not explicitly fund everyday personal expenses like internet charges, there’s a nuanced consideration for how essential digital connectivity is for participants. The scheme’s flexibility allows for a case-by-case evaluation, particularly when internet access directly contributes to a participant’s disability management, social engagement, or use of assistive technology. As we forge ahead, discussions around NDIS funding need to continue evolving, reflecting the indispensable role of the internet in fostering an inclusive, accessible, and connected society for all, especially those living with disabilities.

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